Friday, 4 May 2012

Homemade gifts part 2

Feeling rather proud of myself that I can now notch up my second handmade gift in the past month. As you may remember I knitted up these two a few weeks ago and a couple of weeks ago I did a couple of hours of simple applique and voila!   a birthday gift for a four year old. Well, a bit of effort was required but by most people's standards it was a simple project.

I got the idea from a friend of mine who made this gorgeous top for my daughter's 5th birthday.

Unfortunately have just realised that this tshirt was not altogether clean when I took this photo

My little one loves it. I'm very taken with it too and wish that 40 something women looked as good in heart appliqued Tshirts as 5 year olds do. Sadly, though, this is not the case.

So I took this idea and did something a little bit different but also very much the same.

 Only problem was trying to convince my girl that this was a present for someone else and not for her.

This photo doesn't make it very clear but I used chain stitch to outline the flower and leaves and do the stem. I think chain stitch is my favourite embroidery stitch. I love doing it and I love the bulky look of it. It is a lot more substantial that just doing a backstitch and just looks more effective.

I'm not sure if I can keep up all this handmade present goodness but I think I can feel a self - imposed challenge coming up. Even better...maybe I can convince Jules to join me...

Megan xx


  1. Love it! And it's great that the original is dirty - means it is being lovingly worn xx

  2. Feeling a little concerned about what you might be trying to talk me into...

  3. Amanda, she has it on again today! Very well worn!

  4. This is so sweet Megan, such a gorgeous and loving gift x
