big sister is pretty sick at the moment, it's a tough time for her and her family. I have been visiting her in Sydney on a regular basis and noticed something important on one of my visits. She was in serious need of a new hot water bottle cover! Not all that important, you may say, but you would be wrong. When you are not well a hot water bottle can bring great comfort. And if the cover for this bottle is made of green fluffy fabric that has well and truly seen better days then that comfort is compromised!
So... with that situation in front of me I could see an opportunity for a simple knitting project.
This very simple pattern comes from
this beautiful book and I just used some aran weight yarn out of my far too extensive stash.
I hear you asking where those gorgeous buttons came from? They weren't my original choice but instead the choice of my daughter. She was thrilled when she found them, she came up to me and told me very clearly we had to get these "love heart buttons" so that we could "send Jane love" - how could I resist...
So here it is, hanging in it's rightful spot, my sister's kitchen, ready for use.
May it bring you much warmth, Jane....and love.
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