Saturday, 21 April 2012

Polly pocket and Alicia

Last week, my 5 year old and I went on a road trip, of sorts. Well, we caught the bus to Sydney. For those non Canberrans out there, the trip takes about 31/2 hours. I've done this trip a lot since we moved to Canberra almost 12 years ago and I've done this bus trip  a whole lot over the last 3-4 months so I'm not so interested in the scenery any more.
This time, however, I had a companion, which was rather lovely.
My girl has a passion for little dollies so Polly Pocket dolls were made for her. She can rearrange them into different scenarios for an amazingly long period of time. This is a useful skill when you are on a long bus trip.
Somthing that keeps me well occupied is embroidery samplers from this very talented girl. I love Alicia's designs and especially from her book. However, you need to have commitment to complete some of her projects, especially her samplers.They are quite big and involved. I am currently working on this one,

which is great for long boring trips because there is a lot of border flowers on which you don't have to concentrate too much. Counting Aida squares can get a bit tricky when there are bumps in the road but on the whole I can get a fair bit done
So there we were, happily chatting and doing our thing on the bus and time went very quickly.

Thank you Alicia Paulson and thank you Polly Pocket.

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